16 research outputs found


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    This study analyzes types of themes and theme shifts in the English - Indonesian translation of Barrac Obama’s speech in Universitas Indonesia. The result shows that topical theme dominates the entire texts 71.43% in ST and 79.64% in TT. Interpersonal theme is the least theme found in both texts. Most topical themes are in participants, followed by circumstance and process. The textual theme in both texts is adjunct conjunctive. The interpersonal themes are modals. Most of the themes are considered as equivalent. The theme shift occurs through three processes: by changing the grammatical function within the theme by adding more themes and by deleting themes

    The Negative Impact of Racial Discrimination Experienced by African-American People Reflected in Angie Thomas’ The Hate You Give

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    AbstractThis study analyzes Negative Impact of Racial Discrimination Experienced by African-American People as Reflected in Angie Thomas' The Hate You Give using Racial Discrimination approach. It shows some forms of negative impact from racial discrimination experienced by them. This study used descriptive qualitative method. The data of the study consisted of sentences, prologues, monologues and dialogues that was obtained by reading the novel, identifying, classifying, reducing, analyzing the data as qualitative. The primary data fully dealt with The Hate You Give novel, the secondary data were cited from some sources such as books, journals, and articles. The study results finding, there are health problem, wellbeing problem and influencing emotional reactions.  Keywords: African-American People, Racial Discrimination, Negative Impact


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    This study analyzes the anxiety and defense mechanism of the main character, named Alice in the Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland novel written by Lewis Caroll. The goal of this research is to analyze the anxiety of the main female character and her defense mechanism according to psychoanalysis theory by Sigmund Freud. This study uses descriptive qualitative technique of research in analyzing the data. The data are collected from the novel in the form of dialogues, monologues, and prologues. There are some steps which are used to collect the necessary data such as reading the novel, identifying the data, classifying the data, and reducing the data. Through Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland novel which was published in 1865, this study find the anxieties of Alice based on Sigmund Freud’s theory, they are reality anxiety, moral anxiety and neurotic anxiety. Those anxieties can be seen by Alice’s feeling unpleasant and guilty because of her excessive imagination and her great expectations toward Wonderland’s people and all of things at the peculiar world. Whereas the defense mechanism acted by Alice are repression, intellectualization, displacement, regression, reaction-formation, and introjection. In the analysis, the defense mechanism acted by Alice when she experience difficulties to escape from the peculiar world although she has great expectation toward Wonderland in the beginning.Keywords: Psychoanalysis, Anxiety, Defense Mechanism

    Alfred Adler's Individual Psychology: The Inferiority Feelings of Anna as Main Character Depicted in Miracles from Heaven (2016)

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    This study analyzes Anna’s feeling of inferiority in Miracles from Heaven movie using Alfred Adler’s Individual Psychology theory. The research type in this study is a descriptive qualitative. In this study, there are two types of the data. The primary data are taken from Miracles from Heaven (2016) movie and the secondary data are taken from some books and e-books, journals and e-journals, also articles. Based on the analysis, it can be concluded that Anna as the main character of Miracles from Heaven (2016) movie which the main character initially experiences feelings of inferiority. The feelings of inferiority because of her physical weakness, anxiety, and pessimistic. Those feelings appear on Anna because of physical disorder in the digestive organ that are not normal like others. Keywords: Individual Psychology, Feeling of Inferiority, Physical Disorder


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    This study analyzes of social stratification depicted in The Prince and The Pauper Novel written by Mark Twain. The novel told about the two boys who are having the similar faces but lead very different lives. Those characters are Edward as the Prince and Tom as the pauper. It plays an immensely important role in his novel, because of the main characters totally get the extremes of the social class condition during at that time. This study used descriptive qualitative method with The Prince and The Pauper novel as the primary data and the secondary data were gained from journals, articles, and other internet sources. The result of the analysis is talking about the portrayal of social stratification reflected in The Prince and The Pauper novel that contained some aspects such as economic, education and family background of someone as factor in treated differently to others.Key Words: Social Stratification, Sociology, Social Class. Society


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    This study analyzes Four: A Divergent Collection novel written by Veronica Rothin 2014 using Abraham Maslow’s hierarchy of needs that shows the representation  of each basic needs to get to the highest needs, self-actualization. This study uses qualitative method. There are two types of data. Those are primary and secondary data. The primary data is taken from the novel Four: A Divergent Collection by Veronica Roth. The secondary data is taken from journals, books, documents, articles, and websites which related to the study. The result of this study showed that the hierarchy of needs can be applied in human life. In the novel Four: A Divergent Collection, the main character tried to satisfy all his needs. The basic needs that Four have been fulfilled were physiological needs, safety needs, belongingness and love needs, and esteem needs. After those basic needs have been satisfied one by one, then he reached his self-actualization.Keywords: Hierarchy of Needs, Basic Needs, Self-Actualization


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    This study has focuses to analyze the masculine women in the novel TheTale of Sokka as the characters Katara and Toph represent the nature ofmen: masculine; strong, tough, and intelligence. For male gender,masculinity becomes dominant in their nature as it is being defined in thisstudy that masculinity stands for the nature of man as they are strong andassumed born to lead. Thereforth, it is interesting to discuss that on howhaving the character of masculinity in women shape the women differentlyas different than any women in general. Masculinity theory was used toanalyze the character of women benders in the novel: Katara and Toph,including their attitude, characters; the way they interact with the menbenders in the battle. In essence, this study is under descriptive qualitativeresearch where the primary data were taken from the novel entitled TheTale of Sokka, along with a few resources related to the theory ofmasculinity, taken from literary journal and thesis which became thesecondary data used in this study. The theory of masculinity was also usedas the core to find out the impact of being masculine for a woman in thesociety, in this context, being masculine for women benders are importantfor them to raise their status among the patriarchal society. The results ofthis study are divided into two: first, by being masculine, women actuallycan be more confidence to actualize themselves. Second, by being masculine,Katara and Toph can achieve and got the admission from men benders thatwomen can be equal with men in the battle.Keywords: Masculinity, Impact of masculinity, woman benders


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    The current study investigated a song lyric entitled “Lily” in terms of its generic structure to come up with the rhetorical strategies—how satanic tricks influence people through human greed. Lily belongs to a lyric considered a narrative poem. It is theorized that a narrative poem is a poem or possibly a lyric which consists of orientation, complication and resolution. In other words, a lyric is structured as such to produce rhetorical strategies (goals) which were analyzed employing Aristotle’s ethos, logos and pathos.  Meanwhile, in the complication analysis of Lily, not only did the study employ psychological theory but was also supported by social contexts to describe how satanic tricks were made use through human greed engineering in achieving the goal of negative thoughts generating. The findings indicate that human minds are in fact guided by both angels and satans. Angels guide any individual (Lily) to stay in track of the positive values while Satan whispers tricks to divert from the positive path toward the negative values by means of human greed. To confirm the findings, a survey was administered to 90 purposefully-selected teenagers in Semarang Municipality only to find that “Lily“ song lyrics failed to give any answer to the question whether or not she (Lily) can be saved despite her frequent calls for help

    Piloting film-based intervention on santri’s perception towards striving for academic success: findings from Kampung Santri, Kudus Regency

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    This study is performed based on concerns that knowledge dichotomy in traditional Islamic boarding schools has not received the serious attention it deserves. In contrast to modern pesantren where santri receives both religious and non-religious knowledge, most traditional pesantren in Jekulo, Kudus regency only emphasizes religious knowledge as their core curriculum. Our preliminary study in 2022 suggested that the majority of student santri in Jekulo, Kudus regency showed unfavorable perceptions towards pursuing higher education despite being offered financial aid and academic mentorship. Our current task is to introduce film-based intervention and document its effect on santri’s perception change towards academic success. Although the use of film-based intervention to change perception and reduce stigma has been profound in the field of clinical psychology, its application in a nonclinical setting is still understudied. Using Social Comparison Theory (Festinger, 1954) as our analytical framework, we propose that historical film can be introduced as an alternative point of reference for our subject. Respondents were selected using purposive sampling (n=20). Pre- and post-studies are provided to document santri’s perception change toward striving for academic success. The results of this study confirm that film intervention can act as positive stimuli in the process of perception changes among santri by presenting relatable cinematic historical experiences as an alternative social reference. However, a lack of a role model and a shared perception toward academic success in santri’s immediate environment can hinder the proces

    Past-time marker –ed in the speech and written work of Indonesian English majors

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    This paper presents a descriptive investigation on verbal and written use of past-time inflectional marker -ed by Indonesian English majors. Given that English has a foreign language status in Indonesia, acquiring grammatical forms and specific to this study, the –ed inflection, is challenging to learners. Difficulties in acquiring the form is amplified by cross-linguistic influence as the majority of EFL learners in Indonesia speak Javanese as their first language and Indonesian as the second, while exposure to English and to this study’s temporal target form is minimal. The salience of –ed and its allomorphs plays a part in determining the learners usage of the form, with syllabic forms predicted to be perceptually more prominent and easier to acquire. Thirty undergraduates who were English Literature and English Education majors in Central Java participated in this study. Due to the two-fold nature of the investigation, data were collated using two instruments; one elicited written usage of the target form while the other stimulated the participants’ verbal output. Although there were missing –ed inflections where obligatory, results suggest students’ ease and considerable consistency in using the written form of the –ed temporal marker. On the contrary, the English majors generally used the default form of the regular verbs when -ed allomorphs [t], [d] and [ɪd] were required in their speech. To a certain extent, cross-linguistic influence and saliency are relevant in discussing the acquisition of the forms. Instructional intervention should help the English majors and others comparable them, whose closer approximation to Standard English is very important, in completing their university academic programmes as well as in enhancing chances of employability which includes teaching English